
Nicholson Portnell Solicitors Important Announcement

As of April 2, 2024, Nicholson Portnell Solicitors became part of Cartmell Shepherd Solicitors, a leading Cumbrian-based law firm working with clients across Northumberland, Cumbria and nationally. The amalgamation brings benefits to both firms and our clients and will strengthen the services both law practices provide to their growing client bases.

If you have any questions about this exciting news, please get in touch.


Welcome to Nicholson Portnell Solicitors, based in the centre of Hexham.

Our highly respected and dynamic team has been helping our clients since the merger in 2003 of the long established firms Nicholson Wood & Gregg and Portnell Ward & Rose.


We can advise on a whole range of legal services details of which can be found by following this link.

About Us

Our team of dedicated professionals is here to help you.

Our Law Firm and its predecessors have been helping the people of Tynedale and the surounding areas for centuries.

Our 10 Solicitors and 2 paralegals have a wide range of expertise and cover a broad spectrum of services that suit the needs of the people of Hexham and Northumberland.

If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch.


    With many clients it is important that their solicitors understand the area they serve.  Our firm has been based in Hexham for generations and is continuously evolving to better suit people’s needs.


    Our services are specifically designed to suit the needs of our clients, wherever they may be. Whether you need us to deal with a dispute or administer the estate of a family member,  we are here to help.


    We work hard to create friendly working relationships with our clients.  Because we are approachable and sensitive, our clients can rest easy knowing that we are here to help.

Beware Fraud!

We do not supply our bank details by email, only in person or by post.

If you receive any message about paying funds call us and check it is genuine.

We will not change our bank details at any stage during a transaction and if you receive an email suggesting this to be the case please telephone us immediately.

We will not transfer funds to a bank account where the details are given to us only by email

What our clients say about us

“Thank you for bringing things to a conclusion. I think that, under the circumstances and what we know about them, you’ve performed a minor miracle in getting them to do the work that they were contractually bound to do. Congratulations!”

“Thank you for your work relating to the preparation of the Will.  You made what could have been a difficult task pleasurable”.

‘So much warmth, friendliness and compassion when dealing with my wife’s death’.

“Exceptional and detailed service, thoroughly explaining any problems and difficulties thereby keeping me informed and the process moving towards conclusion.  Very polite and helpful staff”.